Monday, March 9, 2015

A Change Is Going To Come

In order to make any kind of change for the greater good of African Americans we must learn and understand the laws of the existing state of affairs "status quo". It is then we will be able to uplift strategies through accommodation that will inevitably lead us toward a new world. "They do not know the precise shape of the future, but they know that the future belongs to them" (Baldwin 89-90) Once we are equipped with the knowledge needed to overcome these stumbling blocks called oppression, you are now in control of reaping the benefits that our oppressors have always feared we would eventually gain. Privileged people become leader all of the time with cruel intentions to keep African Americans boxed in, while finding new ways to capitalize off of us is the ugly truth. “They realize this -paradoxically-by the failure of the moral energy of their oppressors and begin, almost instinctively, to forge a new morality, to create the principles on which a new world will be built" (Baldwin 89-90) Power itself does not know right from wrong, it is merely a tool used for the privileged oppressors to keep order on the oppressed. So we are taught to continue the principle of what we are founded, which is to be happy loyal servants, once known as good old darkies, otherwise we are seen as lazy vicious brutes that needs to be locked away and or killed. Unfortunately in many ways we as African Americans have to put on an “act” and entertain the thoughts and beliefs as to which we are labeled and categorized before they even lay eyes on us as individuals. Through these concepts of discourses and distorted images our Superiors are able to outline shortcuts on African Americans and categorize us as a whole.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Ebony Magazine Four Decade of Black Progression

In many ways I am a bit understanding in the celebration of black progression through Ebony magazine. The message's and images are a bit of a warp way of which society views black success. Blacks has suffered from oppression for years, so once given the opportunity to shine and be acknowledged by any means necessary we made a conscious decision to do so. We have honestly came a long way from slavery and the Jim Crow black faced entertainment, but it is vital for us to understand the  roots of which "entertainment" evolved and originated from.

It is true that that some people want to "act", and work in theater in hopes to make it to the big screen. The question posing is what are you willing to portray while you are "acting"? Are you willing to sacrifice your moral compass in order to accommodate a life that revolves around ratings and what’s popular or "It" in society? I have nothing against black people earning a living and putting in hard work to support their family, but if I were given a choice to represent black people by degrading myself and stooping to a level in order to just be seen and acknowledged i would most definitely opt out.

There are many blacks and whites that are buying into this buffoonery of misrepresentation of how we are known to behave. What i have noticed through these images/issues of "Black Progression" were predominately entertainers. I've noticed how they threw a curve ball in with putting a couple of black leaders to be honored to side track you from what’s really happening here. It seems as if we are busy trying to make a name for ourselves instead of making a difference in the world today. I believe that white people fear showing us in a light of which we really are making a difference in the community unless we entertain and or humor them first. We rarely see pictures of black Dr.'s, Lawyers, CEO's etc. The part that bothers me about the depiction of black people is there are many prestige’s black people that are making a difference, but why would they let that vital piece of information seep about us. Because it would contradict what white people have been saying about us from the beginning of time. So we can’t stir the pot, or raise any eyebrows because that would mess up the order they have for us. So just continue to play your part and if you want to make a difference in your inferior little lives of "Negros" Then pick up a script, sing a song, pick up a ball then try to make a difference so you would be recognized. For any other way would be out of the norm and questionable and we can't screw up the order of the powers that be.

It would be nice for a change if we could celebrate our black history from the beginning when we were Kings and Queens in Egypt. I’m getting adjutate with these same old oppressed slave B.S topics are getting a little draining. It’s time to work and focus on the uplifting side of blacks rather than continue to drag us through the mud by reintegrating what has happened to us in the past and what’s continuing to happen to us today and there really ain’t shit for us to do about it but to stay enlightened and informed and stop settling.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Black people on TV

In the New television show Empire with Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard. This films talks about a family would lived in poverty and for survival purposes the sold drugs to make ends meet. Taraji P. Henson played as "cookie" is a mother of 3 boys who had got caught for drug distribution and was sentenced to 17 years in prison. Though Terrance Howard played as "Lucius" sold drugs as a child to survive, his love and desire for music was his escape, and hope to get out of the ghetto. Cookie and Lucius where a team, yet Cookie had much more street knowledge when it came to drug dealing and made a lot of money. Cookie was the main bread winner opposed to her husbands talent in art and music that did little or nothing to assist with family expenses. when Cookie's success In drug dealing landed her in prison. Lucius began to build his label with the drug money his wife left behind. Lucius divorced cookie and used her drug money to build his record label company name " Empire". After serving her 17 year sentence, cookie was released from prison and was furious and sought to confront her ex-husband. She is angry, hurt, and a bit bitter about how Lucius just turned his back on her and didn't allow her sons to continue a relationship with her while she was incarcerated. She has threatened to expose Lucius for who he really is and how he really built his world renowned record label with her drug money if he doesn't split the company with her 50/50. She is determined to take over if he continues to cause her any further head aches regarding her position in the company. Cookie is a well deserved angry woman, but again that is further clarifications for white people to believe we as women are the loud aggressor's, and we tend to emasculate our black men. White people are able to assume Without any further research as to why is this black woman upset, Why does she have the right to feel entitled. They could care less why! Why? Because they already have there minds made up anyway. It is sad to see that we as black people can only make a iconic name for ourselves through drug dealing or being some kind of entertainer (Singer, Comedian,athlete). Unfortunately the viewer watching this show are anywhere from as young as elementary students, which gives them a distort view of what success really means. By glorifying These life styles only further the notion that social media is a huge influence on everyone without much of us really realizing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What Does It Mean To Be Black In America

In order to make any kind of change for the greater good of African Americans we must learn and understand the laws of the existing state of affairs "status quo". It is then we will be able to uplift strategies through accommodation that will inevitably lead us toward a new world. "They do not know the precise shape of the future, but they know that the future belongs to them" (Baldwin 89-90) Once we are equipped with the knowledge needed to overcome these stumbling blocks called oppression, you are now in control of reaping the benefits that our oppressors have always feared we would eventually gain. Privileged people become leader all of the time with cruel intentions to keep African Americans boxed in, while finding new ways to capitalize off of us is the ugly truth. “They realize this -paradoxically-by the failure of the moral energy of their oppressors and begin, almost instinctively, to forge a new morality, to create the principles on which a new world will be built" (Baldwin 89-90) Power itself does not know right from wrong, it is merely a tool used for the privileged oppressors to keep order on the oppressed. So we are taught to continue the principle of what we are founded, which is to be happy loyal servants, once known as good old darkies, otherwise we are seen as lazy vicious brutes that needs to be locked away and or killed. Unfortunately in many ways we as African Americans have to put on an “act” and entertain the thoughts and beliefs as to which we are labeled and categorized before they even lay eyes on us as individuals. Through these concepts of discourses and distorted images our Superiors are able to outline shortcuts on African Americans and categorize us as a whole.                                                                                                                                                                  I can see in a lot of white peoples eye's the "Fear", "Anger", "Entitlement", "Pity" for us Black folks who isn’t supposed to have nothing. I can tell when white people get the notion and assume that “your just like the rest of them" with their insensitive actions and lack of empathy for "Black Lives Matter". The truth of the matter is that I can understand why many white folks despise us simply by the way some black people interact and treat one another. They judge our appearances, not our character. Since white people typically have a one track mind they are ignorant from the lack of understanding our history and our struggles. They are equipped with only the distorted depictions of blacks through Ethnic Notation and the social media. We face stereotypes (being categorized) discrimination and logical fallacy. Mostly black people are being banked on, because the white man refuse for us blacks to unite and realize that civil rights wasn't designed for us. We are not equal, and justice for black people are slim and close to rare.

How I'm Really Feelin'

When I look at this picture I feel many different emotions about it. I have many questions as to who? Where? What? why. I could imagine this being a huge hood blood gang funeral that was way to turnt' up. I shake my head to the piles of red bandanna's that don't mean nothing when your dead and gone. I begin to think what kind of mother would allow this to happen in her presence? Clearly the mother of this young man was more then likely from the hood also to allow this poor representation of putting your son to rest in this fashion. It just goes to show many African Americans are born naturally mirroring what they see. Some children are blessed enough to mirror something honorable if provided with the correct tools. Others are not equipped with the tools needed to become truly legendary without having to be socially influenced to be The best criminal or a terrorizor in the neighborhood. This Young man probably never really had a chance to see all he could have been in a positive light. Instead he chose a path that caused his life to be taken to soon. The most unfortunate part to this picture that i continue to imagine, is all of the many lost young so-called "soldiers" in attendence are battling an unnessary street war that serves as no purpose but corruption and death.